Finance – City of Charlotte

The Finance Department is responsible for maintaining the City of Charlotte’s general ledger, billing and collection of utility payments, accounts payable and receivable, issuing bonds, risk management, financial reports, and managing the city’s investment portfolio.
Customers include other governments, community agencies, businesses, and residents promoting government partnership and effectiveness.
Department Services
Administration oversees department activities and manages day-to-day operations. It also provides critical information and analysis to make financial decisions.
Financial Reporting
Financial Reporting maintains the city’s official accounting records including preparation of the annual financial statements, printing account payable and payroll payments, and financial analyses and reconciliations.
Financial Services
Financial Services provides accounts payable, accounts receivable, financial services support, and employee travel and reimbursement services for the city.
Internal Control
Internal Control is responsible for implementing and managing the Finance Internal Control Program to align with the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations Internal Control Framework; establishing standards for financial internal control; and maximizing opportunities to improve standardization, efficiency, fiscal accountability, and oversight of the city’s financial functions.
Revenue provides billing, collection and depositing services for Charlotte Water and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services. Revenue also helps departments collect and deposit money for benefits, transit passes, loans, liens and citations. Additionally, Revenue monitors citywide cash collection activities according to city policy.
Risk Management
Risk Management delivers insurance, claims, and loss control services for the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education. As part of the loss control services, the office manages a 25-acre driver training facility called the Charlotte Vehicle Operations Center.
Treasury manages the city’s debt, including issuing new debt and managing payment on existing debt. Treasury also manages governmental and long-term investments of city funds and, banking relationships.